Karl Völker
One of the artists associated with the New Objectivity movement in a turbulent time in Germany
One of the artists associated with the New Objectivity movement in a turbulent time in Germany
'Train Station(1924)'
初めてのフランス!!と言うことでとりあえずエッフェル塔とか凱旋門とか、高台の教会(素敵な眺めだった)とかだけ抑えた。ルーブル美術館は1週間かかると聞いていたので、お預けに。その代わりにポンピドゥーセンターへ行ったので、そこで気に入ったアーティストの絵について紹介する。 といっても、元々知っていていいなと思ったというよりは、最初のインパクトから。もう1人くらい気になったアーティストがいたので、機会があれば紹介する。
まずポンピドゥーセンターとは正式にはジョルジュ・ポンピドゥー国立芸術文化センターといって、1969年に近代芸術の愛好家でもあったジョルジュ・ポンピドゥー大統領 (1969-1974) が構想を発表したことが発端で建てられた、図書館・美術館・多目的室・映画館などから構成される施設だ。フランスでは大統領が発案して美術館などを建てることがしばしば?かなりあるみたい。この建物は近代美術の拠点として建てられたということで、作品やアーティストも近代以降のもの。前回取り上げたゲルハルトリヒターのカラーチャートも所蔵されていて、生で見ることができた。
ヴォルカー(1889〜1962)はドイツの画家兼建築家で、新即物主義を支持していたアーティストだ。新即物主義とはドイツで起こった1920年以降の前衛芸術運動で、1910年代の表現主義などの非合理的美術の傾向に対立し、「即物的な対象把握による実在感の回復を意図」したもの。 主観や激情を抑え、冷静に事実に即して物事を読み取ろうとする動きで都市的な感覚の作品が多く、戦争への恐怖や社会の衰退への批判をキュビズムや形而上絵画風の技法、あるいは魔術的リアリズムを用いて描いた。
また、彼はハレの芸術家グループのディレクターを務めていて、当時ドイツ共産党の新聞や記事に大きく貢献していたらしい。この絵も、ハレのKPD政府(共産党)によって建設された駅と、労働者たちの結束を祝って描かれたもの。 しかしナチスがドイツの政権を掌握するとともに、新即物主義は退廃的とみなされて、迫害されてしまうこととなる。彼も例外ではなく、自分自身の生活のために、しばらく建設物の修復などの仕事を余儀なくされた。そして第2次大戦後、画家・建築家として活動を再開する。
正直この絵を見て、私は労働の冷酷さと労働者の団結・そして暗さみたいなものを感じた。ある意味では新即物主義の冷静なタッチを感じたのかもしれないけど、それと言うよりももっと、その後起こった迫害や悲劇の前兆のような冷たさを感じた。なんなら構図を変えれば、少し言い過ぎかもしれないのは承知の上で言うけど、現代日本の年金で生きるおじいちゃんおばあちゃん達と将来年金をもらえないかもしれない子供達との対比のような。 そういえば先日選挙が日本でありましたね。もちろん投票にはいけない環境下ですが、年々同世代や下の子達が投票に興味を持ち始めているような気配をひしひしと感じる気がする。そしてYoutubeやってる芸能界で有名なオジサンに投票する若者たちもいるし、年金などが手厚な政党にホイホイ票を入れてしまう高齢者たちがかなり多いと。数では負けてしまうからね・・・。
初めてのフランス!!と言うことでとりあえずエッフェル塔とか凱旋門とか、高台の教会(素敵な眺めだった)とかだけ抑えた。ルーブル美術館は1週間かかると聞いていたので、お預けに。その代わりにポンピドゥーセンターへ行ったので、そこで気に入ったアーティストの絵について紹介する。 といっても、元々知っていていいなと思ったというよりは、最初のインパクトから。もう1人くらい気になったアーティストがいたので、機会があれば紹介する。
まずポンピドゥーセンターとは正式にはジョルジュ・ポンピドゥー国立芸術文化センターといって、1969年に近代芸術の愛好家でもあったジョルジュ・ポンピドゥー大統領 (1969-1974) が構想を発表したことが発端で建てられた、図書館・美術館・多目的室・映画館などから構成される施設だ。フランスでは大統領が発案して美術館などを建てることがしばしば?かなりあるみたい。この建物は近代美術の拠点として建てられたということで、作品やアーティストも近代以降のもの。前回取り上げたゲルハルトリヒターのカラーチャートも所蔵されていて、生で見ることができた。
ヴォルカー(1889〜1962)はドイツの画家兼建築家で、新即物主義を支持していたアーティストだ。新即物主義とはドイツで起こった1920年以降の前衛芸術運動で、1910年代の表現主義などの非合理的美術の傾向に対立し、「即物的な対象把握による実在感の回復を意図」したもの。 主観や激情を抑え、冷静に事実に即して物事を読み取ろうとする動きで都市的な感覚の作品が多く、戦争への恐怖や社会の衰退への批判をキュビズムや形而上絵画風の技法、あるいは魔術的リアリズムを用いて描いた。
また、彼はハレの芸術家グループのディレクターを務めていて、当時ドイツ共産党の新聞や記事に大きく貢献していたらしい。この絵も、ハレのKPD政府(共産党)によって建設された駅と、労働者たちの結束を祝って描かれたもの。 しかしナチスがドイツの政権を掌握するとともに、新即物主義は退廃的とみなされて、迫害されてしまうこととなる。彼も例外ではなく、自分自身の生活のために、しばらく建設物の修復などの仕事を余儀なくされた。そして第2次大戦後、画家・建築家として活動を再開する。
正直この絵を見て、私は労働の冷酷さと労働者の団結・そして暗さみたいなものを感じた。ある意味では新即物主義の冷静なタッチを感じたのかもしれないけど、それと言うよりももっと、その後起こった迫害や悲劇の前兆のような冷たさを感じた。なんなら構図を変えれば、少し言い過ぎかもしれないのは承知の上で言うけど、現代日本の年金で生きるおじいちゃんおばあちゃん達と将来年金をもらえないかもしれない子供達との対比のような。 そういえば先日選挙が日本でありましたね。もちろん投票にはいけない環境下ですが、年々同世代や下の子達が投票に興味を持ち始めているような気配をひしひしと感じる気がする。そしてYoutubeやってる芸能界で有名なオジサンに投票する若者たちもいるし、年金などが手厚な政党にホイホイ票を入れてしまう高齢者たちがかなり多いと。数では負けてしまうからね・・・。
I went on holidays for about one week to go to Paris a month ago. That was my first visit to
France!! I just went to the basic spots such as
Eiffel Tower, Arch of Triumph, and a famous church on the hill. I didn't go to Louvre Museum because
I've heard it takes a whole week just to look around there,
so I went to Centre Pompidou instead and am gonna talk about the piece I found interesting
Actually I wasn’t expecting to see that work, but I just liked it at a first glance. There're some artists I found interesting when I went there, so maybe I'll introduce them in another journal.
About the museum, it's officially called Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou built in 1969 because of the president Georges Pompidou who loved contemporary art and unveiled the idea of that building. It consists of a library, a museum, a theatre, multipurpose rooms and so on. It seems quite famous in France that the presidents try to build museums. The place's supposed to be the main construction of contemporary art and the works are made after the modern era, so I was able to see the work 'colour chart' of Gerhard Richter in person.
There was an exhibition of the New Objectivity, and an artist, who is called Karl Völker(1889-1962) was one of the artists there. (I couldn't find any articles about him in Japanese so he may not be that famous in Japan)
He was an Germany architect and painter associated with the New Objectivity movement. The New Objectivity movement is the avant-garde art movement occurred in Germany after 1920's and against the trend of irrationalism like German Expressionism in 1910s, and it was to get a sense of the reality back by grasping objects practically.
People who supported that movement had urbanised thoughts that tried to suppress the subjectivity, and anger to read things based on the reality, and to explain fear of war and decline of society by using cubism, skills of metaphysical painting, and magic realism.
He also was a director of Halle artists group and contributed many articles and prints to newspapers of the KPD (Communist Party of Germany). This work 'Train Station(1924)' actually celebrates both the station newly built by Halle's KPD government and the unity of the massed workers. However, declared a degenerate artist by the Nazis, Völker had to support himself by working on architectural conservation. After the World War II, he resumed working as an architect and painter.
Seeing this work, I honestly felt the cruelness and darkness of labor -ish. It might be a touch of the New Objectivity in some way, but it was more like the chill that foreshadowed the prosecution and tragedies happened after. I guess it even can be said (I know it might not be accurate though) that it's almost the same as the contrast between the elderly who just care about the pensions they can get and young people who work so hard but are not promised whether they can get them in their future.
There was an election in Japan by the way. Of course I'm not in the situation I can vote, but feeling there're gradually more young people around my age who’ve got interested in voting and politics itself. It seems unfortunatly so easy for some young people to vote for this famous guy on YouTube who has a strong connection with celebrities, and for some elderly people to support the party which works hard just on the pension scheme. The elderly cannot be beat because the number of them is much bigger than that of us…
It is nice to go to vote in any way. But I'm just wondering why they don't do their best to introduce the online voting in Japan.. and also a system for students live where they cannot vote due to the location… Some have been changing and others haven't. I read an interview with Hiroshi Fujiwara the other day and it goes like ‘Punk music was marked the end in 1960s. There seems no culture died after that. some of the cultures just shrink and develop from time to time. it might be much easier to start things after finishing things that exist.’ It sounds true. But maybe finishing something is much harder than starting it.
Venice Biennale, documenta fifteen. They're some of the biggest art events in the world and both held in this year. As with you can see from the argument of Documenta 15, every history and culture is unique and valuable because they are rooted in every local land beyond time, but at the same time it can be so complicated because of that. Systems and technologies make human beings so stupid they easily lose the essential value of things, and get excited over superficial things instead. However, I'm telling this as a person who have lived in Japanese society for the most of my life, that it's way difficult not to lose the sight of it because in a regularised time. It's hard to even have time to face yourself and the world unless you try to be conscious of it. It sometimes looks the most important thing is to collect information as much as possible though it's actually not to some extent, but I think that is also the aspect. Even though art is to question that kind of situation of the society, it's also deeply related to things like history and we need to rebuild the way of itself.
Now I don't even know what I wanted to write about... Anyway that's it! I wanna go to Venice Biennale and documenta fifteen anyways.
Actually I wasn’t expecting to see that work, but I just liked it at a first glance. There're some artists I found interesting when I went there, so maybe I'll introduce them in another journal.
About the museum, it's officially called Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou built in 1969 because of the president Georges Pompidou who loved contemporary art and unveiled the idea of that building. It consists of a library, a museum, a theatre, multipurpose rooms and so on. It seems quite famous in France that the presidents try to build museums. The place's supposed to be the main construction of contemporary art and the works are made after the modern era, so I was able to see the work 'colour chart' of Gerhard Richter in person.
There was an exhibition of the New Objectivity, and an artist, who is called Karl Völker(1889-1962) was one of the artists there. (I couldn't find any articles about him in Japanese so he may not be that famous in Japan)
He was an Germany architect and painter associated with the New Objectivity movement. The New Objectivity movement is the avant-garde art movement occurred in Germany after 1920's and against the trend of irrationalism like German Expressionism in 1910s, and it was to get a sense of the reality back by grasping objects practically.
People who supported that movement had urbanised thoughts that tried to suppress the subjectivity, and anger to read things based on the reality, and to explain fear of war and decline of society by using cubism, skills of metaphysical painting, and magic realism.
He also was a director of Halle artists group and contributed many articles and prints to newspapers of the KPD (Communist Party of Germany). This work 'Train Station(1924)' actually celebrates both the station newly built by Halle's KPD government and the unity of the massed workers. However, declared a degenerate artist by the Nazis, Völker had to support himself by working on architectural conservation. After the World War II, he resumed working as an architect and painter.
Seeing this work, I honestly felt the cruelness and darkness of labor -ish. It might be a touch of the New Objectivity in some way, but it was more like the chill that foreshadowed the prosecution and tragedies happened after. I guess it even can be said (I know it might not be accurate though) that it's almost the same as the contrast between the elderly who just care about the pensions they can get and young people who work so hard but are not promised whether they can get them in their future.
There was an election in Japan by the way. Of course I'm not in the situation I can vote, but feeling there're gradually more young people around my age who’ve got interested in voting and politics itself. It seems unfortunatly so easy for some young people to vote for this famous guy on YouTube who has a strong connection with celebrities, and for some elderly people to support the party which works hard just on the pension scheme. The elderly cannot be beat because the number of them is much bigger than that of us…
It is nice to go to vote in any way. But I'm just wondering why they don't do their best to introduce the online voting in Japan.. and also a system for students live where they cannot vote due to the location… Some have been changing and others haven't. I read an interview with Hiroshi Fujiwara the other day and it goes like ‘Punk music was marked the end in 1960s. There seems no culture died after that. some of the cultures just shrink and develop from time to time. it might be much easier to start things after finishing things that exist.’ It sounds true. But maybe finishing something is much harder than starting it.
Venice Biennale, documenta fifteen. They're some of the biggest art events in the world and both held in this year. As with you can see from the argument of Documenta 15, every history and culture is unique and valuable because they are rooted in every local land beyond time, but at the same time it can be so complicated because of that. Systems and technologies make human beings so stupid they easily lose the essential value of things, and get excited over superficial things instead. However, I'm telling this as a person who have lived in Japanese society for the most of my life, that it's way difficult not to lose the sight of it because in a regularised time. It's hard to even have time to face yourself and the world unless you try to be conscious of it. It sometimes looks the most important thing is to collect information as much as possible though it's actually not to some extent, but I think that is also the aspect. Even though art is to question that kind of situation of the society, it's also deeply related to things like history and we need to rebuild the way of itself.
Now I don't even know what I wanted to write about... Anyway that's it! I wanna go to Venice Biennale and documenta fifteen anyways.