Okamoto Taro 'The theory of Okinawa Culture'
The spirit of Japanese - Okinawa
The spirit of Japanese - Okinawa
岡本太郎著作の「沖縄文化論」を読んだ。前回も言ったように、「大地の精神」を読んでからもう少し岡本太郎について知りたいと思って、著作を3冊も買ってしまった。 思えば、私は上京したてから岡本太郎と少しばかりはご縁みたいなものがあったのかもとも思う。というのも、銀座にある「若い時計台」の存在だ。銀座6丁目で働いた数年間、何度この塔の前を通ったかわからない。勤務後目の前の大理石に腰掛けて、同僚と話したり、友達と待ち合わせたり、夏場は蚊に刺されたり・・案外思い出深い。そして、この「若い時計台」を作ってすぐ、岡本太郎は「イザイホー」の儀式を一目見に再び沖縄へ発ったそうな。伏線回収した気がして、ちょっとだけ嬉しい感じさえする。それ以外の接点は、特にないのだけど・・。
けどまあそれ以外にも、「大地の精神」が送られてきたのは沖縄の石垣島からであること。「大地の精神」の中で沖縄について言及されていること。私が数年前からずっと疑問に思っていた、漠然とモヤモヤしたアイデンティティへの問いかけへの手がかりが、この「沖縄文化論」にありそうだと思ったこと。これ以外の2冊は、もしかしたらまた紹介するかもしれない。とにかくこのような経緯があって、今に至る。 一応言及しておくが、この大前提として、この世界がセカンドライフみたいなメタバースやマトリックスみたいなものかもしれない、みたいな話は完全に脇に置いてある。ただ私は、もうちょっと「日本人らしさ」の落とし所を見つけたい。
岡本太郎著作の「沖縄文化論」を読んだ。前回も言ったように、「大地の精神」を読んでからもう少し岡本太郎について知りたいと思って、著作を3冊も買ってしまった。 思えば、私は上京したてから岡本太郎と少しばかりはご縁みたいなものがあったのかもとも思う。というのも、銀座にある「若い時計台」の存在だ。銀座6丁目で働いた数年間、何度この塔の前を通ったかわからない。勤務後目の前の大理石に腰掛けて、同僚と話したり、友達と待ち合わせたり、夏場は蚊に刺されたり・・案外思い出深い。そして、この「若い時計台」を作ってすぐ、岡本太郎は「イザイホー」の儀式を一目見に再び沖縄へ発ったそうな。伏線回収した気がして、ちょっとだけ嬉しい感じさえする。それ以外の接点は、特にないのだけど・・。
けどまあそれ以外にも、「大地の精神」が送られてきたのは沖縄の石垣島からであること。「大地の精神」の中で沖縄について言及されていること。私が数年前からずっと疑問に思っていた、漠然とモヤモヤしたアイデンティティへの問いかけへの手がかりが、この「沖縄文化論」にありそうだと思ったこと。これ以外の2冊は、もしかしたらまた紹介するかもしれない。とにかくこのような経緯があって、今に至る。 一応言及しておくが、この大前提として、この世界がセカンドライフみたいなメタバースやマトリックスみたいなものかもしれない、みたいな話は完全に脇に置いてある。ただ私は、もうちょっと「日本人らしさ」の落とし所を見つけたい。
Of course I do like reading, but I don't really like writing.
Though I'm the person who is bad at remembering things unless I put them down on a paper or do
stuff like that, I think they look poor and cheesy after I
do so, and at first they aren't supposed to be like that at least. Also, I feel like I make them
attractive by organising them neatly that are fascinating in chaos just the way they are. It’s
almost the same as ‘beautifully’ paved roads in a countryside, traditionally trimmed gardens, and reinforced-concrete buildings that are replacing with rural landscapes. I know it sounds like I’m just dwelling over it but I hope it makes sense to some extent.
I read 'The theory of Okinawa culture' written by Taro Okamoto. As I said in the previous article, I wanted to know about him after reading 'The spirit of the Earth' so I just had to buy 3 books written by him. Looking back, I feel that I might have kind of a bit of connection with him. It's just because of the monument called Young Clock Tower though. I don't know how many times I passed it by for years as I used to work in Ginza. There are lots of memories with that unexpectedly.. meeting up with my friends in front of that monument, talking with my colleagues sitting down on a marble bench, getting a mosquito bite in summer… Additionally, he left for Okinawa to see the ritual called Izai-ho just after finishing the monument. I feel content because it seems to me that paid off the foreshadowing though I don't have any contact points other than that.
Anyway there're also the facts that I received the book 'The spirit of the Earth' sent from Okinawa, Ishigaki Island, the writer mentions Okinawa in the book, and I felt from this book I could get a clue of the question about my identity which has been vague and hazy, and I've had for about 4years (I might introduce the other 2 books next time by the way). And here I am with this thing and that. I mention this just in case that all I’m going to say is on the premise that the theory of ‘this world might be a metaverse such as second life or like a film Matrix’ is completely set aside. I just would like to find a place inside me for the concept of Japaneseness.
This book is about a touch of Okinawa and the ancient Japan, and written through Okamoto's eyes as an artist and his intuition as a poet. It's based on his travel journal of Okinawa and he writes about folk customs of Okinawa and original Japan and Japanese that can be read from that. At the beginning, he introduces the impression of Okinawa he’s got. He describes it as 'sharp softness'. He says this below, excerpting some parts of 'Life of living in mountains' written by Kunio Yanagida.
The essential and urgent issue of Japanese culture is how to confront this thought of fundamental time and space with modern times. He says this kind of way of living life is different from Japanese image that has been thinner and more distorted as it got modernised. As a side note, please search an original passage from 'Life of living life in mountains' if you're interested in. I don’t even summerise it here just because it looks too light if I do so.
The another part that impressed me is a story about his trip to Kudaka Island with Noro's son to see 'Miitsu'. ’Miitsu’ means a spiritual and sacred spot for communicating with Gods.
You might imagine a titanic entrance gate as it's such a religious space, but the one in Kudaka Island is completely different from that. He says there was literally nothing. There were barely Kuba and Kurotsugu trees around. Of course he could find incense burners which was for communicating with Gods, but they were just small, normal stones that couldn't be recognised as sacred. However, the fact 'there is nothing' beat him hardly on his way back.
Because he was overwhelmed by nothingness, he says it must be the same quality as absoluteness that used to support our ancestors' beliefs and their daily lives, and the empathy for purity of this nothingness lives in our Japanese blood and culture. I get what he means in some way.
Apart from that, there're stories about experiences of Izai-ho, the comparison of Okinawa traditional dance and No/Kabuki, and the criticism of the concept Wabi-sabi. Many parts made me think seriously that I need to have second thoughts about things that I used to take for granted. In this way, this book is the one that digs up what I was unconsciously feeling something wrong with in my mind.
I'm sorry to finish this roughly, but please try to read this book if you're interested in it. By the way about 'Japaneseness' that I mentioned at the beginning, as a conclusion I think I need to consider it by myself a bit more. Also this is off the whole topic, there's an upcoming exhibition 'Theo Jansen' at Osaka ATC gallery from 29th of July to 25th of September. He is an artist who makes 'the moving creatures by eating winds' that are somehow so unique and attractive you cannot help watching them. I don't really know about him to be honest, but this should be a good chance to see them in person so please have a look if you have a plan to visit Osaka!
I read 'The theory of Okinawa culture' written by Taro Okamoto. As I said in the previous article, I wanted to know about him after reading 'The spirit of the Earth' so I just had to buy 3 books written by him. Looking back, I feel that I might have kind of a bit of connection with him. It's just because of the monument called Young Clock Tower though. I don't know how many times I passed it by for years as I used to work in Ginza. There are lots of memories with that unexpectedly.. meeting up with my friends in front of that monument, talking with my colleagues sitting down on a marble bench, getting a mosquito bite in summer… Additionally, he left for Okinawa to see the ritual called Izai-ho just after finishing the monument. I feel content because it seems to me that paid off the foreshadowing though I don't have any contact points other than that.
Anyway there're also the facts that I received the book 'The spirit of the Earth' sent from Okinawa, Ishigaki Island, the writer mentions Okinawa in the book, and I felt from this book I could get a clue of the question about my identity which has been vague and hazy, and I've had for about 4years (I might introduce the other 2 books next time by the way). And here I am with this thing and that. I mention this just in case that all I’m going to say is on the premise that the theory of ‘this world might be a metaverse such as second life or like a film Matrix’ is completely set aside. I just would like to find a place inside me for the concept of Japaneseness.
This book is about a touch of Okinawa and the ancient Japan, and written through Okamoto's eyes as an artist and his intuition as a poet. It's based on his travel journal of Okinawa and he writes about folk customs of Okinawa and original Japan and Japanese that can be read from that. At the beginning, he introduces the impression of Okinawa he’s got. He describes it as 'sharp softness'. He says this below, excerpting some parts of 'Life of living in mountains' written by Kunio Yanagida.
Human being's life that is just barely beautiful looks so miserable at one glance, but it is a
flow of transparent life.
It's powerful, fresh and natural way more than any other nature. It is one part of the story of
human being has survived for a long time and symbolises all of them dreadfully.
It is not on the level of humanism and morality that can scoop something by the texture like
silk socks.
Modern moral cannot understand it and regard it as dark. This cruel beauty, strength, and
Time that is standardized and shredded into pieces following modern calendar. Space that is unaffectedly measured without rupture and fear of nature. It is just different from these kind of terms.
Time that is standardized and shredded into pieces following modern calendar. Space that is unaffectedly measured without rupture and fear of nature. It is just different from these kind of terms.
The essential and urgent issue of Japanese culture is how to confront this thought of fundamental time and space with modern times. He says this kind of way of living life is different from Japanese image that has been thinner and more distorted as it got modernised. As a side note, please search an original passage from 'Life of living life in mountains' if you're interested in. I don’t even summerise it here just because it looks too light if I do so.
The another part that impressed me is a story about his trip to Kudaka Island with Noro's son to see 'Miitsu'. ’Miitsu’ means a spiritual and sacred spot for communicating with Gods.
You might imagine a titanic entrance gate as it's such a religious space, but the one in Kudaka Island is completely different from that. He says there was literally nothing. There were barely Kuba and Kurotsugu trees around. Of course he could find incense burners which was for communicating with Gods, but they were just small, normal stones that couldn't be recognised as sacred. However, the fact 'there is nothing' beat him hardly on his way back.
Because he was overwhelmed by nothingness, he says it must be the same quality as absoluteness that used to support our ancestors' beliefs and their daily lives, and the empathy for purity of this nothingness lives in our Japanese blood and culture. I get what he means in some way.
Apart from that, there're stories about experiences of Izai-ho, the comparison of Okinawa traditional dance and No/Kabuki, and the criticism of the concept Wabi-sabi. Many parts made me think seriously that I need to have second thoughts about things that I used to take for granted. In this way, this book is the one that digs up what I was unconsciously feeling something wrong with in my mind.
I'm sorry to finish this roughly, but please try to read this book if you're interested in it. By the way about 'Japaneseness' that I mentioned at the beginning, as a conclusion I think I need to consider it by myself a bit more. Also this is off the whole topic, there's an upcoming exhibition 'Theo Jansen' at Osaka ATC gallery from 29th of July to 25th of September. He is an artist who makes 'the moving creatures by eating winds' that are somehow so unique and attractive you cannot help watching them. I don't really know about him to be honest, but this should be a good chance to see them in person so please have a look if you have a plan to visit Osaka!