Dj Marcelle @cafe OTO 5/5
Dj Marcelle @cafe OTO 5/5
個人的に長く書きすぎて、やる気が起こらないので短めに・・・今日は箸休めに(失礼)Dj MarcelleというDJについて書こうと思う。
つい先日、今月頭?ごろに、cafe OTOで彼女のライブがあるというので行ってみた。彼女のdjを生で見るのは初である。彼女のことを知ったのは結構昔だけど、なんだかんだで初めてになってしまった。そもそも私はアーティストや曲名を含めた固有名詞などを本当に覚えられない。覚えが悪いからというのも、こうやって日記みたいなのを書く事を始めたきっかけの一つである。彼女の名前も、文字列でなんとなくしか記憶していなかった。でも、おばちゃんdjなんて稀だと思うし、しかもゴリゴリのテクノもかけるわけだから、覚えるに決まっている。というわけで、1時間遅れでcafe OTOに着いた。
やっぱり純粋に、何かに突っ切っている人って、どの方向を向いていても同じ類のかっこよさや潔さ、清々しさがある。この間養老孟司のインタビュー?テレビの取材をYoutubeで見たときに、(かなり極端に言うと)共感されたらだめみたいなことを言っていて、ふーんと思った。今は共感デジタル社会ですから。確かにそんなような雰囲気をdj marcelleからも感じた。
そういえば彼女は、オランダ人DJで、John Peelというイギリス人音楽プロデューサーのファンだったらしい。バンドとかとコラボしたり、ラジオをしたりしてたかなり有名な人みたい。彼女自身は、クラブミュージックと伝統的な音楽・実験的な音楽をミックスさせたスタイルを確立させている人で、ヨーロッパを中心に今でも場所を問わずプレイしている。時には、スーパーマーケットで。
つい先日、今月頭?ごろに、cafe OTOで彼女のライブがあるというので行ってみた。彼女のdjを生で見るのは初である。彼女のことを知ったのは結構昔だけど、なんだかんだで初めてになってしまった。そもそも私はアーティストや曲名を含めた固有名詞などを本当に覚えられない。覚えが悪いからというのも、こうやって日記みたいなのを書く事を始めたきっかけの一つである。彼女の名前も、文字列でなんとなくしか記憶していなかった。でも、おばちゃんdjなんて稀だと思うし、しかもゴリゴリのテクノもかけるわけだから、覚えるに決まっている。というわけで、1時間遅れでcafe OTOに着いた。
やっぱり純粋に、何かに突っ切っている人って、どの方向を向いていても同じ類のかっこよさや潔さ、清々しさがある。この間養老孟司のインタビュー?テレビの取材をYoutubeで見たときに、(かなり極端に言うと)共感されたらだめみたいなことを言っていて、ふーんと思った。今は共感デジタル社会ですから。確かにそんなような雰囲気をdj marcelleからも感じた。
そういえば彼女は、オランダ人DJで、John Peelというイギリス人音楽プロデューサーのファンだったらしい。バンドとかとコラボしたり、ラジオをしたりしてたかなり有名な人みたい。彼女自身は、クラブミュージックと伝統的な音楽・実験的な音楽をミックスさせたスタイルを確立させている人で、ヨーロッパを中心に今でも場所を問わずプレイしている。時には、スーパーマーケットで。
I honestly feel a bit tired of writing long ... So
this is gonna be a short one.
A couple of days ago, I went to cafe OTO to listen to her gig. That was actually the first time seeing her dj in person though I knew her for couple of years. In the first place, I'm bad at remembering names, like artists' names and song titles. This is actually one of the reasons I started writing journals. With the rare characteristic that an elderly woman is djing techno or those kinds of music, I was able to remember who she was. Arriving to Cafe OTO an hour late, I saw her djing cool.
Many sounds were mixed and seemed a bit miscellaneous but at the same time they were in harmony. Some videos taken by her were shown behind her while she was playing. They were somewhat unique... her chilling, collecting mug cups from all over the world, putting miniature food figures on a turn table, introducing her records, running around with a wierd mask.. and so on. I could sense a bit of her personality, and what she thinks is important. I guess those who are deeply and purely into whatever it is are attractive in the same way. I would describe them with the words like breeziness and graciousness. I feel that she is one of them.
By the way, one day Takeshi Yoro, a Japanese famous anatomist, said on a interview that it is good 'not to be empathized by others' or 'not to be understood by others'. Dj marcelles performance were somewhat connected with his thoughts in my mind. I like what he says because I think we live in a digital-empathy society that always asks people to be recognised by others, which is completely the opposite to it.
DJ Marcelle is a Dutch DJ, and is a fan of John Peel, the British music producer, who's famous from collaborating with several bands and his own radio show. Her style is known as incredibly eclectic sets, where different types of club music meet with experimental sounds and traditional music. She gigs no matter where it is. That includes, a supermarket.
A couple of days ago, I went to cafe OTO to listen to her gig. That was actually the first time seeing her dj in person though I knew her for couple of years. In the first place, I'm bad at remembering names, like artists' names and song titles. This is actually one of the reasons I started writing journals. With the rare characteristic that an elderly woman is djing techno or those kinds of music, I was able to remember who she was. Arriving to Cafe OTO an hour late, I saw her djing cool.
Many sounds were mixed and seemed a bit miscellaneous but at the same time they were in harmony. Some videos taken by her were shown behind her while she was playing. They were somewhat unique... her chilling, collecting mug cups from all over the world, putting miniature food figures on a turn table, introducing her records, running around with a wierd mask.. and so on. I could sense a bit of her personality, and what she thinks is important. I guess those who are deeply and purely into whatever it is are attractive in the same way. I would describe them with the words like breeziness and graciousness. I feel that she is one of them.
By the way, one day Takeshi Yoro, a Japanese famous anatomist, said on a interview that it is good 'not to be empathized by others' or 'not to be understood by others'. Dj marcelles performance were somewhat connected with his thoughts in my mind. I like what he says because I think we live in a digital-empathy society that always asks people to be recognised by others, which is completely the opposite to it.
DJ Marcelle is a Dutch DJ, and is a fan of John Peel, the British music producer, who's famous from collaborating with several bands and his own radio show. Her style is known as incredibly eclectic sets, where different types of club music meet with experimental sounds and traditional music. She gigs no matter where it is. That includes, a supermarket.