ゲルハルト・リヒターからみる 歴史とアートの関係性
ゲルハルト・リヒターからみる 歴史とアートの関係性
A journey into possibilities of images
connections between art and history
connections between art and history
まず、リヒターとは。彼は1932年旧東ドイツ出身で、世界で最も注目を浴びる重要な芸術家の1人であり、「ドイツ最高峰の画家」とも呼ばれているほど人気がある。彼のドキュメンタリー「ゲルハルト・リヒター ペインティング」や、彼をモチーフにした映画「ある画家の数奇な人生」(作品完成後に、監督と色々揉めたりしたみたいだけど)なども公開されている。
まず、リヒターとは。彼は1932年旧東ドイツ出身で、世界で最も注目を浴びる重要な芸術家の1人であり、「ドイツ最高峰の画家」とも呼ばれているほど人気がある。彼のドキュメンタリー「ゲルハルト・リヒター ペインティング」や、彼をモチーフにした映画「ある画家の数奇な人生」(作品完成後に、監督と色々揉めたりしたみたいだけど)なども公開されている。
For this time it is about Gerhard Richter, and history of Germany in the 20th century.
First of all, who is Richter?
He was born in the Former East Germany in 1932, and is one of the artists who are in the limelight. He's so popular he's known as 'the greatest artist in Germany'. Even there are a documentary of him called 'Gerhard Richter Paintings' and the film 'Never look away' which he was modeled after (it seemed he had a trouble with the director though). He was going to the art school in his neighborhood when he felt that there's no future for the East Germany in terms of art and his self-development. So he entered Dusseldorf Academy of Fine Arts in the West Germany just before the wall of Berlin was built. He started to develop his own style around that time, freed from socialist realism of art in the East Germany while affected by pop art and 'art informel' which were in vogue. After that, it didn't take so long for him to start drawing in the way called 'photo painting' which expands black and white images on the news papers and magazines into canvas. Striving for the method called 'colour chart' which looks like a colour sample in 1966, and he made artworks only using gray colour in the 70's, and the next was 'abstract painting' which uses lots of vivid colours in the 80's. Even in terms of abstract paintings, you can see some progresses of the way of expressing, from using photographs to squeegees. Although it seemed he would stopp making abstract paintings after doing strips and 3D glass works, he took the opportunity of finishing Birkenau series(2014) to restart drawing. From these multiple style of works, you can see he always tries to explore the possibilities of what image drawings can leave. In 2012, his painting 'Abstraktes Bild', which was originally Eric Clapton's, was sold for about 16,635,000 pounds at auction by Sotheby's Auction House. That was the highest price of the work at the time as that by an artist who was still alive.
First of all, who is Richter?
He was born in the Former East Germany in 1932, and is one of the artists who are in the limelight. He's so popular he's known as 'the greatest artist in Germany'. Even there are a documentary of him called 'Gerhard Richter Paintings' and the film 'Never look away' which he was modeled after (it seemed he had a trouble with the director though). He was going to the art school in his neighborhood when he felt that there's no future for the East Germany in terms of art and his self-development. So he entered Dusseldorf Academy of Fine Arts in the West Germany just before the wall of Berlin was built. He started to develop his own style around that time, freed from socialist realism of art in the East Germany while affected by pop art and 'art informel' which were in vogue. After that, it didn't take so long for him to start drawing in the way called 'photo painting' which expands black and white images on the news papers and magazines into canvas. Striving for the method called 'colour chart' which looks like a colour sample in 1966, and he made artworks only using gray colour in the 70's, and the next was 'abstract painting' which uses lots of vivid colours in the 80's. Even in terms of abstract paintings, you can see some progresses of the way of expressing, from using photographs to squeegees. Although it seemed he would stopp making abstract paintings after doing strips and 3D glass works, he took the opportunity of finishing Birkenau series(2014) to restart drawing. From these multiple style of works, you can see he always tries to explore the possibilities of what image drawings can leave. In 2012, his painting 'Abstraktes Bild', which was originally Eric Clapton's, was sold for about 16,635,000 pounds at auction by Sotheby's Auction House. That was the highest price of the work at the time as that by an artist who was still alive.
left to right: STRIP 921-2 (2011); Abstraktes Bild (1986); 24.7.2015 (2015);
彼の人生から着想を得た映画「ある画家の数奇な運命」では、皮肉にも主人公は叔母を死に追いやった男の娘と結婚するのだが、これは実際にリヒターの体験である。これらには、東西ドイツの分裂やナチスが時代背景にある。そして、4点構成のシリーズ「ビルケナウ」は、1944年にアウシュヴィッツ・ビルケナウ絶滅収容所の囚人によって、密かに撮影された4枚の写真をもとに制作されたものである。またそれ以前にも、彼は「WAR CUT」という書籍を発表している。「(この本は哀悼であり)、そして激怒でもあります。まずは激怒のほうに関係しています。戦争は不快なものです。戦争は我々の無力を暴露する。あきらかに我々は戦争を止められず、戦争について少しでもマシな判断を下すことすらできない。だから意見を表明することは絶対に避けたのです」と彼は語る。
このように、彼の作品からは歴史を垣間見ることができ、ドイツの歴史・戦争と彼の作品は切っても切れない関係にあるということでもある。 また、2021年には、リヒターの財団がドイツ・ベルリンの旧国立美術館に作品100点以上を永久貸与することが発表された。ビルケナウシリーズをはじめ、ガラス・鏡作品、近代の抽象画シリーズなどが含まれている。今回の貸与について、リヒターは「財団を設立するきっかけとなったのは、市場に出したくなかったビルケナウの4枚の絵画だった。これらの作品がベルリンに来ることを嬉しく思う」とコメントしている。 貸与作品の主要な部分は2023年からノイエ・ナショナルギャラリーで、その後2027年に開館予定の20世紀美術館で常設展示予定となっている。 そして、日本の東京国立近代美術館で、今年2022年6月7日〜2022年10月2日まで、「ゲルハルト・リヒター展」が開催される。個展としての日本での開催は16年ぶりで、このような大規模個展も日本では初めてとなる。10月からは、愛知県の豊田市美術館に巡回予定だ。この機会に、是非直接彼の作品を鑑賞してはいかがだろうか。
彼の人生から着想を得た映画「ある画家の数奇な運命」では、皮肉にも主人公は叔母を死に追いやった男の娘と結婚するのだが、これは実際にリヒターの体験である。これらには、東西ドイツの分裂やナチスが時代背景にある。そして、4点構成のシリーズ「ビルケナウ」は、1944年にアウシュヴィッツ・ビルケナウ絶滅収容所の囚人によって、密かに撮影された4枚の写真をもとに制作されたものである。またそれ以前にも、彼は「WAR CUT」という書籍を発表している。「(この本は哀悼であり)、そして激怒でもあります。まずは激怒のほうに関係しています。戦争は不快なものです。戦争は我々の無力を暴露する。あきらかに我々は戦争を止められず、戦争について少しでもマシな判断を下すことすらできない。だから意見を表明することは絶対に避けたのです」と彼は語る。
このように、彼の作品からは歴史を垣間見ることができ、ドイツの歴史・戦争と彼の作品は切っても切れない関係にあるということでもある。 また、2021年には、リヒターの財団がドイツ・ベルリンの旧国立美術館に作品100点以上を永久貸与することが発表された。ビルケナウシリーズをはじめ、ガラス・鏡作品、近代の抽象画シリーズなどが含まれている。今回の貸与について、リヒターは「財団を設立するきっかけとなったのは、市場に出したくなかったビルケナウの4枚の絵画だった。これらの作品がベルリンに来ることを嬉しく思う」とコメントしている。 貸与作品の主要な部分は2023年からノイエ・ナショナルギャラリーで、その後2027年に開館予定の20世紀美術館で常設展示予定となっている。 そして、日本の東京国立近代美術館で、今年2022年6月7日〜2022年10月2日まで、「ゲルハルト・リヒター展」が開催される。個展としての日本での開催は16年ぶりで、このような大規模個展も日本では初めてとなる。10月からは、愛知県の豊田市美術館に巡回予定だ。この機会に、是非直接彼の作品を鑑賞してはいかがだろうか。
He also is a person who experienced one of the turbulent periods of Germany.
In the movie 'Never look away', that was inspired by him as I introduced, the main character married the lady whose father was ironically the one who drove his aunt to death, which actually happened to Richter in his real life. The background of it is Nazism and the division of East and West Germany. In addition, the Birkenau series, based on the photographs taken in Auschwitz concentration camp, arose out of the his prolonged, in-depth engagement with the Holocaust. He had the question of whether and how it was actually possible to describe this genocide for long. Apart from that, he also made a book 'WAR CUT' and says 'This book isn't only about condolence, but about resentment. Wars are painful. It reveals inabilities of human beings. We can't stop war obviously, and even make better decisions. That's why I desperately avoided expressing my opinion.' As you see in this way, the history of Germany can be seen from his works and there is a very strong connection between the history of Germany and his paintings.
In 2021, it was announced that The foundation of Richter permanently donated more than 100 pieces of works including Birkenau series, abstract paintings and glass works to The Alte Nationalgalerie. He said he was glad the works stay in Berlin forever because the main reason of building the foundation was to try not Birkenau series to be on the market. The major pieces of them are going to to be displayed in Neue National Gallery from 2023, and after that in 20th Century Museum as a permanent exhibition.
In 2022, the exhibition of Gerhard Richter is going to be held in Tokyo, from 7th of June to 2nd of October. It's been sixteen years to do his exhibition in Japan, and is the first major one. There also his exhibition in Toyota Municipal Museum of Art from October. Why don't you take these opportunities if you are available?
Solo Exhibition in Tokyo
In the movie 'Never look away', that was inspired by him as I introduced, the main character married the lady whose father was ironically the one who drove his aunt to death, which actually happened to Richter in his real life. The background of it is Nazism and the division of East and West Germany. In addition, the Birkenau series, based on the photographs taken in Auschwitz concentration camp, arose out of the his prolonged, in-depth engagement with the Holocaust. He had the question of whether and how it was actually possible to describe this genocide for long. Apart from that, he also made a book 'WAR CUT' and says 'This book isn't only about condolence, but about resentment. Wars are painful. It reveals inabilities of human beings. We can't stop war obviously, and even make better decisions. That's why I desperately avoided expressing my opinion.' As you see in this way, the history of Germany can be seen from his works and there is a very strong connection between the history of Germany and his paintings.
In 2021, it was announced that The foundation of Richter permanently donated more than 100 pieces of works including Birkenau series, abstract paintings and glass works to The Alte Nationalgalerie. He said he was glad the works stay in Berlin forever because the main reason of building the foundation was to try not Birkenau series to be on the market. The major pieces of them are going to to be displayed in Neue National Gallery from 2023, and after that in 20th Century Museum as a permanent exhibition.
In 2022, the exhibition of Gerhard Richter is going to be held in Tokyo, from 7th of June to 2nd of October. It's been sixteen years to do his exhibition in Japan, and is the first major one. There also his exhibition in Toyota Municipal Museum of Art from October. Why don't you take these opportunities if you are available?
Solo Exhibition in Tokyo