話しながら泳いでいくと、釣れそうな港を発見。港に上がろうとするが、私だけなかなか上がれない。 そうすると、自分の何倍もの大きさの、巨大な赤いちりとりのようなものを管理する、人工で浅瀬を作る管理人のような人が、わたしの下にもちりとりを置いてくれた。彼の働く時間は毎日決まっている。浅瀬深瀬のような時間に、私のような人のために。その時間以後は海がすごく深くなるから。しかし私はなかなか上がれない。滑ってしまうのだ。Gも助けてくれないし。それで、一回一瞬登れそうだったのにまた海に戻されてしまった。
話しながら泳いでいくと、釣れそうな港を発見。港に上がろうとするが、私だけなかなか上がれない。 そうすると、自分の何倍もの大きさの、巨大な赤いちりとりのようなものを管理する、人工で浅瀬を作る管理人のような人が、わたしの下にもちりとりを置いてくれた。彼の働く時間は毎日決まっている。浅瀬深瀬のような時間に、私のような人のために。その時間以後は海がすごく深くなるから。しかし私はなかなか上がれない。滑ってしまうのだ。Gも助けてくれないし。それで、一回一瞬登れそうだったのにまた海に戻されてしまった。
I go fishing with G after I get my stuff done. I am having trouble with my fishing rod. We come
from the ocean, not from the river bank for some reason. I forget why.
We find a port where we could catch fish while swimming and talking. We try to climb up to the port, but only I cannot make it. Then, a man shows up with a huge red dustpan that is several times larger than me. He is the one who takes care of it and creates an artificial shallow area. The dustpan is placed beneath me by him to help me climb up. He works at the same time every day when the water is shallow and deep so people like me won't drown in the deep sea without realised. Because the waves get very high and the sea gets very deep after that specific time. But I cannot make it again. I end up slipping, and G doesn't help me. After a few tries, I get caught in the sea just after I am about to get to the top.
I am underwater.
The man cannot stand seeing me like that so he pulls me up with his great force. But in the midst of all this, I am seeing a huge stingray coming towards me in the water.
While he is trying to push me up digging the water deeply with the power of the waves, the water suspiciously recedes all at once. Then, the huge stingray shows itself up in front of me. It looks like it is totally washed up, but a moment after, it stands up. I feel scared so I rush to my friends. I sense that it is the master of the sea, and it has been to a sharp mountain near the beach to pray and is about to go back home. The water mysteriously surges over, and it leaves, turning itself into a beautiful, huge, and blue mermaid-like creature.
I travel with sand that had used to sleep in the sea, and release that sand (soil) at my destination. The sand would tell me about the soil around there, and the difference it feels. It is alive.
A huge shake. I get into a car right after.
Another shake, and the something falls from above. It is something huge like a pipe. I hear the passenger next to me scream as she seeing it.
Something keeps falling on the roof of the car. It is actually by a friend who is on the upper floor of the building on the left. I feel the earthquake causing a lot of shaking, and everything gets messy and looks like a maze.
I go see a main road.
After a while, I can see a big road with a huge highway.
I find something like a ball placed there at regular intervals. There is a bomb inside, and I know it explodes all at once.
We find a port where we could catch fish while swimming and talking. We try to climb up to the port, but only I cannot make it. Then, a man shows up with a huge red dustpan that is several times larger than me. He is the one who takes care of it and creates an artificial shallow area. The dustpan is placed beneath me by him to help me climb up. He works at the same time every day when the water is shallow and deep so people like me won't drown in the deep sea without realised. Because the waves get very high and the sea gets very deep after that specific time. But I cannot make it again. I end up slipping, and G doesn't help me. After a few tries, I get caught in the sea just after I am about to get to the top.
I am underwater.
The man cannot stand seeing me like that so he pulls me up with his great force. But in the midst of all this, I am seeing a huge stingray coming towards me in the water.
While he is trying to push me up digging the water deeply with the power of the waves, the water suspiciously recedes all at once. Then, the huge stingray shows itself up in front of me. It looks like it is totally washed up, but a moment after, it stands up. I feel scared so I rush to my friends. I sense that it is the master of the sea, and it has been to a sharp mountain near the beach to pray and is about to go back home. The water mysteriously surges over, and it leaves, turning itself into a beautiful, huge, and blue mermaid-like creature.
I travel with sand that had used to sleep in the sea, and release that sand (soil) at my destination. The sand would tell me about the soil around there, and the difference it feels. It is alive.
A huge shake. I get into a car right after.
Another shake, and the something falls from above. It is something huge like a pipe. I hear the passenger next to me scream as she seeing it.
Something keeps falling on the roof of the car. It is actually by a friend who is on the upper floor of the building on the left. I feel the earthquake causing a lot of shaking, and everything gets messy and looks like a maze.
I go see a main road.
After a while, I can see a big road with a huge highway.
I find something like a ball placed there at regular intervals. There is a bomb inside, and I know it explodes all at once.