何人かわからない綺麗目オバさんが、高島屋に行きたいと言う。調子良く英語で会話進めてたらそのオバちゃんが、肌が真っピンクに変色してただれた変なおじさん連れていることに気づく。 普通の人が、そういう、もう表情ももういちゃってるようなひとを連れてるのをその前にも見ることがあって、これなんでなんだろうなーとか思っている。
で、そしたら地下の改札辺りから悲鳴上げながら人がいっぱいでてくる。 私も地上?外に逃げようと通路を走って階段まで行こうとする。けど人がいっぱいいて、私はさっきそのおばちゃんに話しかけられる前からTたちとはぐれてしまっていて、ひとり。
私はとりあえず避難しなきゃと思って、オバさんたちにUp Upと言って上に誘導する。Tは遅れて出てきて、私は彼の名前を叫ぶ。「こっちだよー」。その時は私はもうすでに階段を登っている。 なんだけど、上がってくる人の中で肌の色が赤黒っぽく変色してゾンビみたいな動きのなってる人がちょこちょこ出てきて、Tもなんだかしんどそうにこっちに近づいて上がってくる。よくみたら、Tの顔の半分も赤黒くなってて、「近づかん方がええで気をつけな」と私に言う。地上は人がごった返してて、階段の途中からそれ以上上に行くことができない。下から1人のおじさんがダラダラ虚ろな怖い目して上がってくる。なぜかそれは原田泰造だった。

Something explodes underground near Ginza. There is a loud blast.
A middle-aged fine lady who I cannot tell where she is from says she wants to go to Takashimaya. I notice she takes a weird old man whose skin is vivid pink and inflamed while having conversations cheerfully with her. I have seen people taking someone who looks completely insane like him before, and I wonder why.
And then, I see people screaming and coming from the underground gate. I am downstairs. I try to get up the stairs to run away to the outside, but there are just too many people to go through. I have been by myself being away from my friends and T around since I started talking with the lady.
I think I have to find shelter and guide ladies upstairs by saying “Up, Up!”. I find T coming out late and I scream his name and shout “Here, Here!”. I almost arrive to the ground by the time. But I also realise that some of the people coming up move weirdly like zombies and that their skin colour is turning black and red. T doesn't look good either as getting closer. As I take a close look, I find a half of his face looks dark red and he says to me that I should be careful. It is such a mess with tons of people everywhere, so I cannot move anymore. An old guy comes up with his empty and scary eyes. That was Taizo Harada (who is one of the most well-known comedians in Japan).
His skin colour is also different and he put his elbow onto my leg. T tells me to say stop to him so I say that and he puts it back. But gradually the part of my skin that he touches starts changing its colour. It might be something contagious. Now my left arm looks like it is covered with scratchy goosebumps. It is quite gross. His arm has a creature's face and it moves a little as I keep looking at it. I try to have acid so I might be able to see it differently, but there is no change at all. After a while, almost everyone gets infected and has the same skin colour, which makes me wonder if all are going to die.
In another place, another dream. A guy who is really good at shooting is trying to shoot an old lady and an old man who became homeless from afar. These two are supposed to be killed in the first place. The other members of the gang and he argue about who is going to kill them, which is making no progress, so the boss shoots them with each single shot in the end. The old guy lets himself drop into a river to end his life without any hesitation, however, the lady gets too scared to do so, feeling pain from the shoot, trying not to die before her time…