What is cohabitation?
The encounter of Jhibli and Eugine studio
nausicaaofthevalleyofthewind 11/5/2022


This is the first time for me to write this kind of thing, so it might look poor. Please just bear with me.
I start with Princess Mononoke which I watched a couple of days ago. As spoilers, this is a story of a young man called Ashitaka in Emishi village in the far east. He gets cursed by a giant wild boar that comes all the way from the west when he finishes the wild boar off with an arrow. He leaves for the west to get a clue of where it has come from and to get rid of it because something in the west made the legend boar become a Demon - or cursed God. On his way, he meets a wolf girl San, Eboshi, Jikobo, and so on. In doing so, he sees what happens in the world from his point of view:
The ugliness of self-interested human beings who cut forests off and regard animals as non-existed.. The powerful vitality of women in the small village who used to be sold as slaves but are satisfied with their lives there.. People living in a villege who are scared of unknown and invisible and don't respect and listen to nature.. Animals that think the only way to survive is to destroy hateful human beings..
Ashitaka desperately tries to find a way to live altogether regardless of what they are, but all humans and animals hate each other so much they can't even see the core of things clearly.
We make the same mistakes as our ancestors did over and over again unless we let ourselves be bold enough to face with fear of unknown or what we don't understand, and I felt the same in my real life.


それは普段の生活の中でも、多くある部分で。 心を落ち着けて曇りのない目で物事見たら、絶対に本質は見える。



Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.
This also have the same theme as Mononoke which is 'nature and human beings'. There are basically three main sides:

*Naushika and people who live peacefully in the valley of the wind
*Insects/bugs and plants live in contaminated forests
*Human beings whose brains are all about war and make the weapon of mass destruction revive

I remember the famous scene that squirrel Teto bites Naushikaa when they meet for the first time, and the line of her goes like "See, you are not scared." This is personally where Naushikaa connects with Mononoke in my opinion. It's important to accept and embrace no matter what they are, even if they are invisible, or too sacred to be true including religious things, animals, bugs and nature and so on. You can see what that means in daily life. If you just make yourself calm down and see things with clear eyes, you'll definately find the essentials. In that way, I empathise with much of the theme of Eugine's exhibition as in same parts as Mononoke and Nausicaa. What he says is "Imagine, accept differences. In doing so, we can move on".

He is a contemporary artist based in Japan. He is initially famous for the installation called "Shikkokunou" which is aimed to seek potential possibilities in the five/six sense. He tries to combine technology with art in some way so new generations can manifest themselves as post capitalism. He is not only an artist but also an activist involved in a smart-house project.

an interview with Eugene Kangawa

漆黒能 漆黒能(2019)