Tuesdays with Morrie1
Consideration about “Tuesdays with Morrie”and “The Ethics of Time and Boredom”
therestaurantofmanyorders 1729/6/2024


Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live. - by Morrie in Tuesdays with Morrie


「モリー先生との火曜日」は、ミッチ・アルボム著作のノンフィクション小説。筋萎縮性側索硬化症を発症し、肉体が朽ちるにつれて、その人格が一段と輝きを増した恩師モリー・シュワルツ教授とかつての教え子であるミッチ・アルボムの、モリー先生の最期の毎週火曜日に開かれる14回限りの命の授業。その中で改めて恩師から伝えられる、生きること、死に向かう際のあるべき姿を記した作品だ。 ざっくり言うと、人生において最も大事なことは、愛する事・赦す事・受け入れる事で、世の中にある大半の大事とされている富や名声などは、さほど守るに値しないものであると、モリー先生は授業を通して語る。死を目前にした先生の視点からみる価値観・言葉は、印象的で、沢山考えさせられる瞬間がある、そんな1冊だった。
To Be continued...

It may be out of the blue, but it is obscure very much about the image of “death”.
It is actually understandable that the definition or the discussion of it could be unclear since no one who is alive has ever died. Of course, this is on the premise that it doesn't contain the notion of spirituality and reincarnation, just to be sure.
At this time, I personally was thinking about 'death' in a narrow sense that describes it as only caused by wars or some external factors. I firstly believe that it is not how human beings should be and it is only inexplicable when one hurts others and they could kill themselves because of that. However, it is impossible to examine whether people have the relatively same kind of thoughts as mine unless there is a technique that enables one to open a brain and see how it is thinking. Even if they don't have the same opinions as mine, the explanation for why that happens would be uneasily far too simple: environmental factors such as the capitalistic way of thinking, culture, and what you believe like religious stuff. Yet in the first place, judging others' thoughts only based on your values would miss the point.
Rather than that, I would say misadventures and cruel accidents happen too often not to make people disinterested in them. They don't look at shocking news after a month passes, or they are so busy they don't have room just for having a think of it even for a minute. Of course, you would always better do your thing first, but sometimes it is hard to see a distinct difference between 'taking care of yourself' and 'being okay to be indifferent' and there are moments when the former becomes the reason for the latter.
These are what I was feeling despair about.
People die. Everything circles in a sense. It is more like tree rings than reincarnation. Everything in various dimensions belongs to the top, the middle, the bottom, and the part of the circular growth rings of several dimensions. It does make sense to me at least. So I sometimes question not the 'death' itself, but the cruelty of living.

Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live. - by Morrie in Tuesdays with Morrie

In the world, I feel there are too many 'have to do' and 'should do' surrounding us. People often are not capable of having their eyes on things such as the person next to them in the train, the design of stations, bustles of cities. Surely you would get exhausted if you're on the lookout for everything all the time, and that is not possible and even may be hypocritical. But it possibly seems that seeing/enjoying things and yourself from various perspectives eventually connects with fulfilling your life as a human being.

A book called “Tuesdays with Morrie” is a nonfiction novel written by Mitch Albom. A professor Morrie Schwartz, who develops amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and whose personality grow ever more brilliant as his body deteriorated, and his former student Mitch Albom holds a series of 14 classes on life every Tuesday during Professor Morrie's final days. It tells through his lessons that what living life is like and how it should be towards the end of the day. Summing up roughly, what the most important thing is to love, to forgive, and to embrace, not things that seem to be considered as important in the world such as fortune and fame. The values and words seen from the perspective of him who is facing death are impressive, and there are many thought-provoking moments in this book.
To Be Continued to Part 2…