The Restaurant Of Many Orders
"Antipathy of children in the poor villages to the modern civilization and the sybaritic class"
"Antipathy of children in the poor villages to the modern civilization and the sybaritic class"
ベルリンに行った。日本では野良猫をたくさん見るけど、それに比べるとヨーロッパには少ない気がしなくもない。狐とかリスとか、他の動物がいるからだろうか。ところで最近偶然にも猫の話を聞く機会が多い。知り合い達が猫を飼い始めたり、Legacy Armaniのコラボに猫がストーリーのメインにいたり。アルマーニさんの飼っていた猫インスパイア?らしい。そんな具合で、私は「注文の多い料理店」を思い出した。
Tedで私のお気に入が2つあって、1つは指揮者Benjamin Zanderの『The transformative power of classical music』、もう一つがKiana Hayeriの『A photographic journey through the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan』だ。別に似通った内容について話しているわけではないんだけど、この2つを聴いていつも思うのは、自分がどれだけありがたい環境にいるかを、どれだけ簡単に忘れてしまうかということだ。彼らはアウシュビッツ収容所から帰還した女性の話や、アフガニスタンの紛争の最前線に立つ若者たちにインタビューした内容などを話してくれるんだけど、今普通に生活を送れること、家族が無事であること、大切な人がこの世にいることがどれほど価値があることか、そして現在を生きる私に具体的にできることは何か、など、さまざまなことを考えさせられる。これはウクライナ情勢やガザ地区の問題についての状況を記事などで見た時も同じことだ。少なくとも自分なりに、それらの問題への意見を持つこと。無関心であらないこと。自分の意識・自分を拡張すること。
ベルリンに行った。日本では野良猫をたくさん見るけど、それに比べるとヨーロッパには少ない気がしなくもない。狐とかリスとか、他の動物がいるからだろうか。ところで最近偶然にも猫の話を聞く機会が多い。知り合い達が猫を飼い始めたり、Legacy Armaniのコラボに猫がストーリーのメインにいたり。アルマーニさんの飼っていた猫インスパイア?らしい。そんな具合で、私は「注文の多い料理店」を思い出した。
Tedで私のお気に入が2つあって、1つは指揮者Benjamin Zanderの『The transformative power of classical music』、もう一つがKiana Hayeriの『A photographic journey through the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan』だ。別に似通った内容について話しているわけではないんだけど、この2つを聴いていつも思うのは、自分がどれだけありがたい環境にいるかを、どれだけ簡単に忘れてしまうかということだ。彼らはアウシュビッツ収容所から帰還した女性の話や、アフガニスタンの紛争の最前線に立つ若者たちにインタビューした内容などを話してくれるんだけど、今普通に生活を送れること、家族が無事であること、大切な人がこの世にいることがどれほど価値があることか、そして現在を生きる私に具体的にできることは何か、など、さまざまなことを考えさせられる。これはウクライナ情勢やガザ地区の問題についての状況を記事などで見た時も同じことだ。少なくとも自分なりに、それらの問題への意見を持つこと。無関心であらないこと。自分の意識・自分を拡張すること。
I have no doubt that you know this fairy tale called 'The Restaurant of Many Orders' by Kenji
Miyazawa if you grew up and were educated in Japan.
I went to Berlin for the first time. I see many street cats in Japan, but it seems there are fewer of them in Europe compared to it. It may be because of other animals like squirrels and foxes in the cities (that makes their lives a bit harder?). I've heard about cats in general relatively often these days somehow, by the way. For example, some of my acquaintances have got their cats or the brand our legacy collaborated with Emporio Armani on the concept of two cats that represent both of the brands and so on. Apparently, it's originally inspired by Armani's cats, just as a note. Anyway, all of these things reminded me of 'The Restaurant of Many Orders'.
Here is the story roughly. Two chubby rich soldiers go into a forest with two dogs for hunting, but they get lost halfway being apart from a huntsman who was guiding them. Strolling around they find and get into a restaurant that looks interesting, but it is actually the one run by cat goblins and they request many orders as the guests go deeper through the doors so the cat goblins can attack and eat them properly. The soldiers survive in the end, but they get terrified so badly that the experience leaves many wrinkles that look like some crumpled pieces of paper on their faces forever.
The last time I read it was almost like when I was in elementary school as far as I remember.. Reading it again and searching the background, I got to know that the author Miyazawa described the story as 'antipathy of children in the poor villages to the modern civilization and the sybaritic class'. It seems similar to the composition of nature vs human beings in Ghibli. But this time, it hit me hard in a bit different way as I was thinking about the background of the story and the recent social situations, being in Germany that has a history of horoscopes.
First of all, it's said one of the messages the author wanted to leave through the story is the importance of learning and making use of the experience, judging by that the soldiers eventually survive. It sounds to me that making mistakes and failing something are not bad things at all. When it comes to this point, it links with the book I'm reading called “Japanese and 'Japanese Disease'” on a stepping stone to my interpretation. To explain the story of the book roughly, all the disciplines in Japan are comparative and vague because there is no one and only God. On the other hand, in Western cultures, every promise is historically based on the contracts between yourself and a god so you must keep it at any risk, otherwise, it means you betray a god. In this way, it might be that making mistakes or failing something cannot be forgivable like in Japan, and the people who have ancestors in Western cultures have the feeling that if you go astray and cannot come back, you fall deep down to the end and there is no help. If this kind of notion or the atmosphere descended for so long from the ancestors, it's not surprising that it might possibly affect modern society. That cannot and shouldn't be a reason for any crimes or wars though.
I have two of my favorite episodes on Ted. One is called “The Transformative Power of Classical Music” by the conductor Benjamin Zander, and the other is called “A Photographic Journey Through the Taliban's Takeover of Afghanistan” by Kiana Hayeri. It's not like they are similar, but there is something in common. It is that every time I finish watching these, the question that pops up in my mind is why it can be so forgettable the appreciation for yourself being able to be in a grateful environment. They talk about a lady who is a rare survivor from Auschwitz and an interview of the young boys standing on the front lines of the conflicts in Afghanistan. Those stories really make me think about so many things. For example how precious it is to be able to live a normal life, to have my family and my friends that are safe, and what I can do specifically as myself being alive now… etc. I feel the same when I see the articles or get to know about the situations of the people in Gaza and Ukraine. At least I think it's good to have your own opinion from your own perspective and ideally to take action without being indifferent to them. You expand your focus and yourself.
Although it's a little bit off, what I also think about along with those above is that it is like a combination of beautiful moments to plunge into something without any hesitation to pursue the feeling of being alive as a human being, and as a living individual. Fishermen who are ready for death every time they brave the sea, and street skaters who don't care about getting seriously injured.. it seems there is a huge gulf or I would say the difference of the energy between them and those people who like living almost the same day over and over securely. It's up to the person at the end of the day, but the thing in common between those who live the moments and the stories from Ted talk is the consciousness of reaping/enjoying their lives, I guess. It also connects to the book 'The Theory of Okinawa Culture' by Taro Okamoto to some degree. So, it tells you to live your life moment to moment and open your eyes to feel things fully so you can take action and make something change like butterfly effects. Perhaps the author Miyazawa had that hope on the side of his heart when he finished writing the book.
Going back to the topic of cats, apparently, their fundamental genes haven't changed for at least 8000 years. I honestly have no idea if this is actually mind-blowing, but I assume it's one of the reasons why in Japan cats in general remind people of phantom cats. But here is a more surprising fact. It's said they domesticated themselves. In order to survive and to be able to live in the best environment, they changed themselves.
On the other hand, humans never learn, or it has been taking ages. Wars never end, people do the same things. It even makes me think that this ironically might be a natural selection by humans for humans. If children somewhere else in the future happened to learn about what happened around the 2020s, the title of the textbook would be 'A Tragic Era of Capitalism where people of the same species killed each other due to being affected by the system of money they created'.
I'm not sure what I can do as an individual, but it would be great if I could spend days doing what I can do if there's any, with self-love and respect. That's what I've been thinking about these days, period
I went to Berlin for the first time. I see many street cats in Japan, but it seems there are fewer of them in Europe compared to it. It may be because of other animals like squirrels and foxes in the cities (that makes their lives a bit harder?). I've heard about cats in general relatively often these days somehow, by the way. For example, some of my acquaintances have got their cats or the brand our legacy collaborated with Emporio Armani on the concept of two cats that represent both of the brands and so on. Apparently, it's originally inspired by Armani's cats, just as a note. Anyway, all of these things reminded me of 'The Restaurant of Many Orders'.
Here is the story roughly. Two chubby rich soldiers go into a forest with two dogs for hunting, but they get lost halfway being apart from a huntsman who was guiding them. Strolling around they find and get into a restaurant that looks interesting, but it is actually the one run by cat goblins and they request many orders as the guests go deeper through the doors so the cat goblins can attack and eat them properly. The soldiers survive in the end, but they get terrified so badly that the experience leaves many wrinkles that look like some crumpled pieces of paper on their faces forever.
The last time I read it was almost like when I was in elementary school as far as I remember.. Reading it again and searching the background, I got to know that the author Miyazawa described the story as 'antipathy of children in the poor villages to the modern civilization and the sybaritic class'. It seems similar to the composition of nature vs human beings in Ghibli. But this time, it hit me hard in a bit different way as I was thinking about the background of the story and the recent social situations, being in Germany that has a history of horoscopes.
First of all, it's said one of the messages the author wanted to leave through the story is the importance of learning and making use of the experience, judging by that the soldiers eventually survive. It sounds to me that making mistakes and failing something are not bad things at all. When it comes to this point, it links with the book I'm reading called “Japanese and 'Japanese Disease'” on a stepping stone to my interpretation. To explain the story of the book roughly, all the disciplines in Japan are comparative and vague because there is no one and only God. On the other hand, in Western cultures, every promise is historically based on the contracts between yourself and a god so you must keep it at any risk, otherwise, it means you betray a god. In this way, it might be that making mistakes or failing something cannot be forgivable like in Japan, and the people who have ancestors in Western cultures have the feeling that if you go astray and cannot come back, you fall deep down to the end and there is no help. If this kind of notion or the atmosphere descended for so long from the ancestors, it's not surprising that it might possibly affect modern society. That cannot and shouldn't be a reason for any crimes or wars though.
I have two of my favorite episodes on Ted. One is called “The Transformative Power of Classical Music” by the conductor Benjamin Zander, and the other is called “A Photographic Journey Through the Taliban's Takeover of Afghanistan” by Kiana Hayeri. It's not like they are similar, but there is something in common. It is that every time I finish watching these, the question that pops up in my mind is why it can be so forgettable the appreciation for yourself being able to be in a grateful environment. They talk about a lady who is a rare survivor from Auschwitz and an interview of the young boys standing on the front lines of the conflicts in Afghanistan. Those stories really make me think about so many things. For example how precious it is to be able to live a normal life, to have my family and my friends that are safe, and what I can do specifically as myself being alive now… etc. I feel the same when I see the articles or get to know about the situations of the people in Gaza and Ukraine. At least I think it's good to have your own opinion from your own perspective and ideally to take action without being indifferent to them. You expand your focus and yourself.
Although it's a little bit off, what I also think about along with those above is that it is like a combination of beautiful moments to plunge into something without any hesitation to pursue the feeling of being alive as a human being, and as a living individual. Fishermen who are ready for death every time they brave the sea, and street skaters who don't care about getting seriously injured.. it seems there is a huge gulf or I would say the difference of the energy between them and those people who like living almost the same day over and over securely. It's up to the person at the end of the day, but the thing in common between those who live the moments and the stories from Ted talk is the consciousness of reaping/enjoying their lives, I guess. It also connects to the book 'The Theory of Okinawa Culture' by Taro Okamoto to some degree. So, it tells you to live your life moment to moment and open your eyes to feel things fully so you can take action and make something change like butterfly effects. Perhaps the author Miyazawa had that hope on the side of his heart when he finished writing the book.
Going back to the topic of cats, apparently, their fundamental genes haven't changed for at least 8000 years. I honestly have no idea if this is actually mind-blowing, but I assume it's one of the reasons why in Japan cats in general remind people of phantom cats. But here is a more surprising fact. It's said they domesticated themselves. In order to survive and to be able to live in the best environment, they changed themselves.
On the other hand, humans never learn, or it has been taking ages. Wars never end, people do the same things. It even makes me think that this ironically might be a natural selection by humans for humans. If children somewhere else in the future happened to learn about what happened around the 2020s, the title of the textbook would be 'A Tragic Era of Capitalism where people of the same species killed each other due to being affected by the system of money they created'.
I'm not sure what I can do as an individual, but it would be great if I could spend days doing what I can do if there's any, with self-love and respect. That's what I've been thinking about these days, period