Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Deciphering “witch” and NVC from the dark fantasy animation
puellamagimadokamagica 1431/1/2023 Witch Kriemhild Gretchen

私が働いていたところは、確か1階2階に1・4パチ、地下に5・10スロがあって、割と古めのよく玉詰まりが起きる店だった。 1階には北斗の拳とか海物語とかGAROとかエヴァがあって、2階には化物語とか地獄少女とか。地下はスロットだから、ジャグラーとか。 まだ席でタバコが吸える時代だったから、吸い殻集めたり、メダル計算とか景品交換したりとかしてた。 もうかなり前のことだからあんまり全部は覚えてないし、パチスロ自体あんまり興味が持てなかったけど、このバイトが私とまどマギとの出会いだった。 とはいうものの、当時は全然まどマギにも興味がなくて、失礼ながらただ「ヲタクのアニメかゲームかなんかでしょ」と思っていた。
時を戻して先日。面白いのないかなと思ってネトフリを漁っていたら、まどマギが出てきた。軽い気持ちで観始めたら、初めなめていただけに衝撃が凄く、 アニメだけでは飽き足らず映画も観てしまった。「着せ替え人形は恋をする」に出てくるアニメの元ネタの一つだったりするなという簡単な感想はまず置いておいて、 今回はまどマギのストーリーの背景考察から考えたことについて、少し書こうかなと思う。

「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」は、元々2011年深夜枠で放送されたアニメ。簡単なあらすじとしては、少女たちがキュウベエという可愛い地球外生命体に願いをなんでも1つ叶えてもらう代わりに魔法少女となり、 魔女と戦うという話。ネタバレになるので物語についてはこれ以上控える。このアニメはゲーテの戯曲「ファウスト」をもとにしているという説があって、物語の道筋は確かに似ている。 他にも例えば、最強の魔女の名前「ワルプルギスの夜」は、ファウストが悪魔と行った魔女祭りの名前からとったとされている。「ファウスト」以外にも元ネタがあると言われていて、 登場人物のさやかと杏子は物語「人魚姫」「白鳥の湖」をサンプリングしている説、杏子の神父であった父と彼女の家族の無理心中とキリスト教ではご法度である無理心中を皮肉に掛けている説、 映画「新編・叛逆の物語」での魔女になったほむらの姿ホムリリーは「くるみ割り人形」に登場する魔女からきている説など、山ほどある。凄まじい。このような元ネタ以外にも物語の中で伏線が沢山あって、見応えがある。 このアニメだけじゃなくて音楽とか絵とかファッションとか、全部そうだけど、歴史を紡いでいるのを感じますね。バタフライエフェクトのどこかで、自分もこの世界に生きる一個体として、 微々たる影響でも総体として未来に与えることがあれば、一生分の価値がある気もする。と同時に、例えば私が今飲んでいるコーヒーは、誰か他の人たちの存在によって、私が得ることができているもの。いつもどこかで誰かに支えられて、 誰かを応援して、誰かを想って生きている。その限り、貴方は孤独ではない。というメッセージ性も、このアニメの物語的にはあるらしい。取り敢えず詳しい伏線や解説は、アニメ・映画を観てからぜひ調べてみて欲しい。

ところで、私が今年気になっている若手の画家さん2人がいて。1人は後藤夢乃さん、もう1人は土井沙織さんだ。夢乃さんは自分(あるいは自分の前世)は魔女だと自覚していて、今年6月26日から7月10日まで開催された個展「Nos sumus luna, Vmbra luceat」(私たちは月、光を放つための影)に寄せたNoteにて、以下のように綴っている。





そしてもう1人の土井さんは、先日The Loop Galleryの専属画家になられたらしい方。彼女は画家というよりも魔法使いやシャーマンに憧れがあるという。祈りやまじない的な世界、例えばエジプトやインカ帝国の歴史などの書物の言葉からインスピレーションを受け、思想を固めているそうだ。彼女は自身の感じる何か大きな存在を確認・認識したいと思う一面もあり、それを作品に表したいとインタビューで語っていた。ちなみにシャーマンとは、神や精霊と直接接触して力を得て、それらと交流することによって、予言、治病、祭儀などを行う呪術・宗教的職能者だ。魔女とシャーマンは遠い昔同義で、役割を果たす際に、トランス状態になることが多かったと言われている。シャーマンにせよ魔女にせよ、人々を救うために自分を犠牲にしてきた。力を得る代わりに、全ての黒いエネルギーをある意味浄化していた(溜め込んでいた)のかもしれない。まあ、願いを叶えてもらうことができたまどマギの魔法少女たちの方が、少しはよかったのかもしれない。

残念なことに未だ2人の作品たちを実は生で見る機会を得れていないのだけど、写真からでも作品たちの迫力は凄い。 タッチは全然違うんだけど、同じようで違う、違うようで同種の魅力がある。アニメに関しては、なんか文章が下手くそすぎるのとネタバレしたくないのが合間って全然良さを説明しきれていないけど、鑑賞中・後の心理状態としては、 映画「愛のむきだし」のそれと似ているといえば多少は伝わるだろうか。人間の弱さ、建前の欲望の汚さとそれに気づいた時の絶望感、正直さ、生の儚さ、宇宙の広大さ、可能性の大きさ、途方もない無力感、倫理観、価値観、現代社会の冷たさや良さ・・・全てが詰まっている。

1. Observations(観察)
2. Feelings(気持ち)
3. Needs(必要)
4. Requests(要求・お願い)
これらを利用することで、自分が実際に求めていること・自分の感情の理由などから、言葉を正確に選んで、相手に伝えることが可能であるという。さらに相手の回答によって、思いやりを持った返答や、解決策につながるような前向きな発言をできるらしい。相手の言動が原因で自分の感情が誘発されているのではなく、相手の言動が自分の感情を刺激して、自分が自分の感情を形作っているのだと。 正直私は「慮る」とか、言葉にしないことも好きだからバランスが難しいこともあると思うけど、一般論として、これを通して憎しみや犯罪が減るような希望をある意味で感じるのは私だけではないのではないだろうか。

話を戻すが、まどマギは戦闘シーンも独特で、コラージュアートのようなデザインになっている。音楽も良い。もしこれから観る人がいるならば、 キャラクターデザインや初めの数話で決めたりせず、やめないで観続けてもらえることを願いたい。


When I was 18, I was working in a Pachinko shop (Japanese Pachinko parlour) in Tsunashima for about a half year to earn money to travel to New York. The place I worked had 1 and 4 pa-chi on levels 0 and 3, 5 and 10 slots underground, and the machines there were so old I had to fix the ball jam quite often. There were the machines such as Fist of the North Star, Umimonogatari, GARO, and Evangelion on the ground floor, Bakemonogatari, and Hell Girl on the second floor, and slot machines such as Juggler underground. People used to be able to smoke inside while playing, so I used to collect customers' cigarette butts, count the number of medals, and deal with anything on the merchandise counter. I don't remember things clearly because it was ages ago, and I couldn't get interested in playing those kinds of games. This is how I met Puella Magi Madoka Magica thanks to that shop anyway. At first, honestly, I wasn't interested in it and thought of it as a game or an anime just for Otaku.
Back the other day, I encountered Puella Magi Madoka Magica again on Netflix as I searched for something interesting to watch. I started watching it and was totally shocked because I was a bit underestimating this anime. I even binge-watched all the episodes as well as the film. What came to my mind first was this would be the origin of the anime that appears in “My Dress-Up Darling”, but let me put that aside and write a bit about what I've mainly thought after watching this anime and searching its background.

The anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica series was originally broadcasted at midnight in 2011. As a bit of a spoiler, the story follows that a group of middle school girls make supernatural contracts with an extraterrestrial life called Kyube to make one of their any wishes come true, becoming magical girls (maho-shojo) to battle surreal enemies, witches instead. I won't talk about the story itself anymore so those who haven't watched it can look forward to it. It is said this anime is based on the play Faust written by Goethe, and truly the plots of the stories are the same to some extent. For example, in the anime, there is a witch called Walpurgis Night, and that name is taken from the name of the witch festival that Faust and the evil visit together. Additionally, there're apparently other stories that helped to build this anime. For instance:
1. some of the main characters called Sayaka and Kyoko are sampled from “The Little Mermaid” and “Swan Lake”
2. the idea of Kyoko's father, who was a priest and killed himself and his family that left Kyoko, ironically came from the rule of Christians that are prohibited to kill themselves
3. Hom-Lily in the film “Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part III: Rebellion(2013)”, which is the name of the witch that Homura eventually became, was inspired by the story “The Nutcracker”.
There're even more tremendously. Apart from these backgrounds, it has a lot of really good foreshadowings, which makes it special and worth watching. Generally speaking, including music, art, and fashion, history makes new history, as you can also see in this anime. I sometimes feel like it's worth living only if you could affect something or someone in the future even slightly as lives come all together in this world to cause the “butterfly effect”. At the same time, for example, this coffee I'm having now is thanks to someone who makes me gain this and works for this somewhere else. "We always support, cheer up, and think about each other, and as long as we do so, we're never alone." This is also one of the messages from this anime. Please search the details of the story and the backgrounds if you feel like it anyway.

By the way, there are 2 young artists I'm interested in. One is Yumeno Goto, the other is Saori Doi. According to Ms Goto, she is aware of herself or her previous life as a witch and leaves comments about her exhibition “Nos sumus luna, Vmbra luceat“ held from the 6th of June to the 10th of July.

Boiling the green from outside in a cauldron in the atelier, refining it into jade
Taking air and light that change depending on places and time into it
A spell that extracts amazing colors from beautiful paints and mixes them with oil and light
That is magic I use.

Here's one of the parts that also personally links Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Prostitutes, who are considered unclean in modern times, were worshiped as shrine maidens in ancient times and prostituted in temples during religious ceremonies.
Even in Japan, private shrine maidens used to be called walking shrine maidens, and they traveled to various places and performed dances and sexual services before sex was considered vulgar.
In ancient times, it was believed that only women's powers could give birth to children, so magical power was sacred for everyone. But it soon became clear that men were necessary for child-bearing, and women were oppressed as property, continuing to the present day.
Prostitutes, in particular, were made to take on the role of defilement and were sacrificed for the salvation of others.
The tarot motifs I chose this time are all female figures, and they also strip in the painting.

“Praying in the beginning and cursing in the end—— this is what magical girls have kept doing. “Kyube says. As Ms.Goto says, the prostitutes also pray for others, sacrifice themselves, and might live in despair and resentment over their fates. Under the circulation called a ßcircular cycle, they grow up as time goes by, and create and pass everything for the future.

The other artist, Ms.Doi. She's become an exclusive painter of The Loop Gallery in Tokyo, has dreamed of being a witch and a shaman, rather than just a painter. She is inspired by the world of prayers and curses, such as books of histories of Egypt and the Inca Empire, and has had a desire for recognising and communicating with great power and those kinds of existence she can feel and expressing them as her works, according to her interview. A Shaman, by the way, is a magical and religious professional for prophecies, cures, rituals, and getting power through direct contact with gods and spirits. It is said that witches and shamans used to be synonymous a long time ago and that they often went into a trance when performing their roles. No matter what they are, categorised as either shamans or witches, have sacrificed themselves to save peoples' souls. I'm guessing they might've purified (or accumulated) all the dark / negative energy in return for getting that sacred power.
Although I haven't got any chance to see their works in person unfortunately, it doesn't take any effort to find even just the pictures of them impressive. The one's got a very different touch from the other's, but at the same time, they have the same kind of attractiveness in a way. About the anime, I don't think I have explained all the great points of it because I'm horrible at writing about them and I'm also trying not to spoil the story, but as a psychological state during and after viewing, it is almost the same emotional move as you feel in “Love Exposure” (I hope this will help you understand it a bit). It includes everything — the weakness of human beings, the dirtiness of fake desires and the despair when you realise it, honesty, the fragility of life, the wildness of the universe, the size of the possibilities unfolding in front of you, tremendous helplessness, diversity of ethics and values, and coldness and goodness of modern society.

It cannot be helped when you have confronted complicated things like karma, you have lost someone you loved, or you have gone through accidental or inevitable tragic experiences. There's just nothing you can do. Even if you emotionally overcome it, you can't stop relapsing something in your mind afterwards. Also, human beings have good senses and are so foolish they get sometimes desperately self-protective.
As you can also see in the anime madomagi, Kyube has produced magical girls because the energy generated when falling from hope/prayer to despair/curse is quite extraordinary. Of course, it's true the result of that great relapse can be so ephemeral it sometimes turns into something beautiful and attractive. Somehow some people don't regard it as hard at all. But on the other hand, as an opposite example, other people just give up everything. A couple of years ago, a friend of mine was keeping saying “I stop expecting and trusting people because I can't get over if I receive what I didn't expect or get betrayed”. In terms of relationships, it's natural you get hurt and you hurt people because of the way of expressing your feelings and how you take what they say. However, when it comes to daily life problems, I believe there's room for improvement. Why I'm thinking like this is because I've got a book from my colleague. She gave me the same book she was reading. It's called NVC (Non Violent Communication). According to this book, NVC is composed of these four elements below:
1. Observations
2. Feelings
3. Needs
4. Requests
By following these steps, you would be able to understand and tell what you really need and why you have those feelings while choosing words correctly and conveying them to people. Additionally, you'd be able to have empathy and make positive comments that lead to a solution after considering the other's response. To be honest, I'm a person who likes not verbalizing things and gives a lot of thought to them and communicates without any words, so personally, I think it might be a bit difficult to find a balance between them, but I have a hope that this NVC method could generally reduce hate and crime in some way. I'm sure things won't work that easily for human beings though.

Going back to the previous topic, the battle scenes of the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica are also quite unique because the backgrounds of every scene look like collage art. The music is good as well. If you're thinking of watching it, I hope you won't stop watching it until it gets interesting and won't judge it just by the first few episodes and the design of the characters.
