Spiritual Power of Beauty
Initiation and Eternal Recurrence
spiritualpowerofbeauty 1027/9/2022 part of curving of Romanesque(11c) taken by Kazuya Kitahara

小中学生の頃、盛んに読んだ本の感想とかを長く書かされる経験をするんだけど(読書感想文とか)、昔から私はこれが凄く苦手だった。 忘れっぽいというのもあるんだけど、本に比べて感想文を魅力あるものにできるかいな。日記とかも苦手だったなー。そういえば、 全然関係ないけど少しサイトのデザインを変えてみた。少しずつ、見やすく、わかりやすいものに・・・
そしてまたまた今回も本の紹介。最近何かと読む機会が多いというか、9月までに読みたい本があと2冊ある。今回は、これもまたまた岡本太郎著作の本「美の呪力」。 かなり古めの本。重量のある一冊だった。あまり一度読んだ本はしばらく読み返さないタチだが、これはもう一度読み返すに違いない。なんといっても、彼の文章力・ワードチョイス、センス。 書くこと自体への慣れというのもあるかもしれない。けどそれを抜きにしても、文章を書く・人に訴えかける、という作業をすごく意識して、丁寧に行っているような気がする。

読了した著作2冊を通して感じるのは、彼は装飾されたいわゆる「芸術」への抵抗が激しくあり、逆に人間が生きている上で必要だったもの - 信仰や儀式、 あるいはそれに関する、例えば「骨董品」にもならないようなものに神聖性や芸術性、生の真骨頂を見出していること、そしてそれには彼の生きてきた軌跡に裏付けられているということ。だ。 後者に関しては、それ自体というよりも、そこから見出される人間生活の活力や生死の力強さ、美しさや、もっといえばその無目的さやささやかさ故の強烈さ、というべきか。 この本の元となったのは、『芸術新潮』に連載された「わが世界美術史」で、その開始時期はあの「万博博覧会」の直前。で本書は、イヌクシュクというカナダにある石の積み重ねの紹介から話が始まる。 そこから石の存在意義→宗教→シャーマニズムと話が流れていって、彼は石を「人間存在自体が象徴されている」と確信するらしい。で、そこから「血」「生命」へと話が展開していって、 彼は人間存在の絶望的な「穢らわしさ」「醜さ」が極限に達する時、逆にむしろ「神聖性」が現れてくる、と解釈する。これはすごく浅はかに少しだけ似た例を出すとすれば、「ギャップ」というやつか。? そこからさらに、怒りの話、イニシエーションの話、面の話、火の神聖性と、元々が連載だっただけに、主旨は一貫しているものの情報量が非常に多い。つらつらと心に残ったところを考えてみると、イニシエーションと永劫回帰というキーワードに収まった。


と岡本太郎は言う。 彼に言わせれば、現代社会をイニシエーションを失った世界らしい。昔は戦争や儀式などで、一人前となるための世界観を確立する機会があったけど、今はそれがなく、ぬるっといつの間にか大人になってしまうと。で、学生運動などはそのイニシエーションの一つの形なのだと解釈する。 確かに今は、形式的にでもそういうものがないものね。合理化が進むことで、勝手に必要のないものと切られてしまったものが、実は私たちにはすごく必要なものだったのかもしれない。自分がイニシエーションを通過したのかどうかと言われると、わからないが。
だんじりとは、大阪府岸和田で開催される毎年9月に行われる祭り。1745年に北町の茶屋新右衛門が大坂の祭を見聞し、牛頭天王祭社(現在の岸城神社)に献灯提灯を掲げたいと藩主に願い出て許可されたのが始まり。また、1703年ごろ五穀豊穣を祈願して行った稲荷祭を始まりとする説もある。 ネットによれば、 「曳行されるだんじり(地車)は総欅造り(黒檀等を装飾的に用いることもある)、前方に100mほどの1本の綱をつけ、500人程度で地元の町を疾走する。囃子を奏でる大小の和太鼓と鉦が備えられ、そこに篠笛が加わる。欅には女神が宿るなどと言われている。」らしい。 こういうお祭りとかも、イニシエーションの一つになるのかなと。若者たち自らが自分自身の生きがいの具体化として求めて、一人前の大人となるために、くぐる登竜門。「受ける側から、人生に対して挑む」。現代社会的にはあまりみることは出来なくなってしまった類の儀式ではあるかもしれないけど… 今だそれを続けている所もある事は、胸に留めておきたい。し、時代時代に合わせて、そのようなものが形を変えて続くことを信じたい。

余談だけど、私は友達たくさん常にワイワイみたいなタイプではあんまりなくて、気の置けない友人と2人きりで、じっくりカフェか外かで話すことが多い。そこである友人達との会話でずっと心にあるのが、「ピュアさ」 - 純粋さ、透明さという話。 彼らは基本的に「ピュアであること」を魅力の一つとして捉えていて、言葉にするのが難しいんだけど、混じり気のない動機というか、透明な活力というか、そういうものを目指すというか、主軸に置くというか。 私自身それを素敵と思い、濁るなりにも落とし所をみつけようとしながら日々歳を重ねているわけだけど、この本の中にも、そのキーワードが出てきて(勿論使っている意味合いは違うのだけど)、ハッとした。 他にも夜の人間・本物の芸術家と題しゴッホについて触れているんだけど、そこでも「透明な混沌」という言葉を使って彼を説明している。彼をというよりは、「夜」をそう説明しているのだけど。ひるは世界で、夜は宇宙。「この無限に広がる透明な世界」は、 闇の中にのびた身体中から出る触覚、それについている一つ一つの眼が光り、空は高く星は清らかであり、それらの息遣いと呼応し合う。「それ故に、混沌なのだ」。と。

カミュの本を読んだ時初めてその概念を知って、以降今のところ輪廻転生的な考え方より気に入っている。 永劫回帰とは、Wikipediaによると、『この世界は、全てのもの(大いなるものも卑小なものも)が、まったく同じように永遠にくり返される』とする考え方。 これについては、世界各所で発掘される組紐文と呼ばれる独特の抽象模様の話から始まる。(写真のやつ) 組紐文は中心というものがなく、無限にくぐり抜けて、広がっていく。あらゆるポイントが開始点であると同時に終地点になりうる。それはまさに、運命が絡み合いながら、永遠に伸びていく世界を流動的に捉える人間の作ったものと彼は言う。


そういえば、先日中室さんという人のインタビューをYoutubeで見た。彼女は教育経済学を専門にデジタル庁に関わったり大学で教えたり研究したりと色々している方らしく、 行動経済学の話とか、普段私が生活の中でそんなに頻繁に耳にしない話を聞いた。何が言いたいかというと、みんなそれぞれのやり方で、興味の続く方法で、少なからず世界を良くしようという方向に向かって頑張っているのですよね、どの時代も。 それこそ岡本太郎と中室さんとかは全然時代もやっていることも違うけど。一緒にすんなって言われそう。けど彼女も言っていたのは、芸術や音楽に触れるのって、すごく大事なんだって、特に特に5-10歳以下とか。 いわゆる学校とか言語とかの能力ではない部分?知能にすごく影響するらしい。また今回も何が言いたいのかわからない感じになってしまった。もっと色々読みながら思っていたことはあったのに、 考えてふわっと直ぐ消化されて無くなってしまう。が、以上!次回もおそらく別の本について書きます

I was horrible at or I didn't like writing reports about the books I read when I was in elementary school and middle school. I have several reasons why, one of them being that my short term memory, but I thought as a student, I cannot write book reports that are better than the actual books. I didn't like writing diaries as well, which was also what you had to do. By the way I changed the website's design a bit, trying to make it look easier to understand and see little by little..
Somehow there are many chances to read books and I actually have 2 more books I want to finish by the end of this month. So, this is also about a book I read. I'm going to introduce you the old book written by Taro Okamoto again called 'Spiritual Power of Beauty'. It's quite heavy in terms of the contexts. I don't usually read the same book twice, but I will definitely do it again for this one. His writing skills, his choice of words.. wow. I know he was used to writing, but even without that, I can feel he tried intentionally and carefully to choose words and urge people.

What I think about him through the books I read is he found spirituality, artistry and core of life in what human beings need in their lives - religions and rituals, or something related to them which even cannot be regarded as antique, not in decorative “art”. Also, that's connected strongly to how he lived his life. About the latter one, it's more about beauty, strength of human beings and their lives seen from that, and it even could be described as intensity coming along with purposelessness and modesty. This book is based on “My world history” in “Art Shincho” published every month, and it started just before the world expo in Osaka. He starts with “Inuksuk” which is a pile of rocks in Canada, and subsequently, the meaning of existence of rock, religion, and shamanism. Combining with them, he convinces rock represents the existence of human being itself. The topic goes “blood” and “life” followingly, and he explains that spirituality shows up when desperate “filthiness” and “ugliness” of the existence of humankind reaches a saturation point. If I give a similar but also shortsighted example, I could say.. the attraction by the differences..? Anyway, it goes into the story about anger, initiation, mask, and the spirituality of fire. Though the main point is always consistent, as you can imagine the amount of information is quite large because they used to be divided and published separately every month. In drifting in my head and trying to cumulate everything altogether for a while, I arrived to the words initiation and eternal recurrence.

Anger is passion, and energy spreading transparently into the universe. •••
It turns to challenge when it resists the reality and goes against it. •••
Challenge is beauty and style.

Okamoto says.
According to him, modern society is the society that's lost “initiation”. The youth used to have opportunities to build their view of the world to be adults through wars or rituals, which we don't have anymore. I suppose that's the reason why people in modern society become adults slimily with having a childish side in a way. He concludes that student movement is also a way of initiation. It sounds true and we mightn't have that kind of thing even in a formal way unfortunately. As rationalization has been promoted, we might've lost something looks unnecessary but actually we desperately needed. I'm not sure whether I passed the initiation or not though.
And one more thing. The word 'initiation' reminds me of Danjiri.
It's one of the festivals held every year in September in Kishiwada, Osaka. It's said the festival began when Chaya-Shinuzaemon in Kitamachi visited a festival in Osaka in 1745 and asked feudal lord to give Kishiki Shrine lanterns to burn uncleanliness. There's also another story that the festival began in 1703 when the daimyō of Kishiwada, Okabe Nagayasu, prayed to Shinto gods for an abundant harvest at Fushimi Inari-taisha, Kyoto. According to the Internet, "The towed danjiri is made entirely of zelkova wood (sometimes ebony wood is used for decoration), with a rope of about 100m in front, and about 500 people run at full speed through the local town. Large and small Japanese drums and gongs are set up to play the music, and the shinobue is added to them. It is said that a goddess resides in zelkova."
This kind of festival can be one of the kinds of ritual 'initiation', I suppose. It's a gateway to become an adult, which young people desire and put it into shape as a reason for living. They challenge their lives as those who are asked for that. We might not be able to see that kind of rituals often in modern society anymore, but I want to remember it is still there and to believe that it will last while changing the shape of it depending on the times.

This is off the topic, but I'm kind of a person who enjoys being alone often with one or some of my friends in a cafe or outside and talking with them deeply, rather than being always with many friends chatting a lot and having a blast. I remember one thing while having conversations with them, that was about purity - sort of genuineness and transparency. They regard 'purity' as one of attraction, which is kind of hard to explain, but it's like pure incentive and vitality… and aiming for it. Actually I find that idea nice and have been trying to seek it as becoming older, and I was surprised that there's that keyword in this book although the meaning of it is a bit different.
He also writes about a true 'night' artist Gogh, using the word 'transparent' chaos. I'd say, it's about 'night', rather than himself though. Daytime is the world, and nighttime is the universe. “In this transparent world expanding without limit, the sense of touch of the whole body grows into the darkness. Eyes of them glow while the sky is high and the stars are clean, and they respond to their breaths. “That's why it's in chaos”, he says.

Eternal recurrence. I hadn't known about this idea before reading a book written by Camus and I like that so far rather than the idea of reincarnation-ish. Wikipedia says it means that “the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur in a self similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space”. He brings up the introduction of the unique abstract pattern called “Kumihimo-mon” and found all over the world. It doesn't have the center, going across and spreading everywhere. Any point cannot only be a start point but also an end point at the same time. It's literally something made by humans whose fates are intertwined each other and who consider this world that never stops as fluid.

It doesn't matter if it's a snake, grass, or water. It flows and gets entangled, as a movement of life.
Animals become trees, human beings become animals and trees, which is the way of the world, the universe, eternal recurrence.
Flow never exists without recurrence, nor does faith. Kumihimo-pattern incredibly shows that absoluteness.

Why are we impressed with this? He finishes this book, saying that the fact this fluid hits us implies our desires of we want to release our lives toward the universe, the freedom, and the infinity.
I watched the interview with Ms.Nakamuro on YouTube a couple of days ago by the way. She specialises in an area of economics of education, involved in Digital agency, teaching in universities and doing research on it, and so on. Almost everything was new for my daily life. What I want to mention is everyone's been moving forward to a certain direction to make the world better using their own way. Of course Okamoto and Nakamuro do completely different things in different eras. I'm feeling I'm said 'don't lump him/her in with him/her'. But an interesting fact she says is it's important for kids especially who're under 5-10 to experience art and music. It affects a part of your brain that's not related to language or something you learn in a school.
For this time again, now I don't know what I wanted to say in this journal. There were more thoughts in my mind while reading, but they disappeared and were digested while I was thinking. That's it anyway! I'll probably introduce another book as well,